Hack2improve - a success story

The Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences offered a hacking workshop for the first time in 2008. What was a novelty at that time is now firmly anchored in the schedule of events of the Faculty of Computer Science. And it all began with an e-mail to Compass Security.


In 2008, Ivan Bütler, co-founder of Compass Security, received an e-mail from Furtwangen University: «Is it possible to organize a big hacking event in Furtwangen?» For sure!

Ivan Bütler has personally attended this Hack&Learn event and remembers: "We provided the infrastructure and the challenges. The room was full, everyone was there with a lot of enthusiasm. A great event!"

Last week the 10th anniversary was celebrated and the "Schwarzwälder Bote" reported on it on May 14: Hacking - Das Thema bleibt hochaktuell


You will find further information about this annual hacking event «Hack2Improve» on www.hack2improve.de