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Here you will find reports, interviews and news. We give you an insight into our work and report on 0day (zero-day) vulnerabilities discovered by our staff on customer projects or in their research time.
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Ivano Somaini in der Sendung "Teleregionale" auf RSI, 25. Juli 2015
Ivano Somaini von Compass Security Schweiz AG im Tages-Anzeiger vom 15. Juli 2015
Lukasz D. hat eine XSS-Schwachstelle im Web User Interface des Vigor2960 DrayTek Router identifiziert.
Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to conduct several Purple Teaming exercises together with our customers.
Particularly after…
The integrity and availability of data is crucial for the smooth operation of public transport. In this workshop, developed by onway ag and Compass…