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Here you will find reports, interviews and news. We give you an insight into our work and report on 0day (zero-day) vulnerabilities discovered by our staff on customer projects or in their research time.
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LEADER - Das Unternehmermagazin, Online-Ausgabe vom 12. Dezember 2015
Der Swiss Venture Club wählt Compass Security aus knapp 150 Unternehmen in die Finalistengruppe
Cyber Security is a Challenge
Daniel Haake hat einen Authentication Bypass in Netgear Router Firmware N300 identifiziert.
Ivano Somaini von Compass Security in der Sendung "Aeschbacher", SRF1, 24. September 2015
Antoine Neuenschwander hat einen Authentication Bypass beim AdNovum nevisAuth identifiziert.
Compass Security in der Sendung "Einstein", SRF1, 03. September 2015
Walter Sprenger von Compass Security Schweiz AG auf Radio Sunshine, 03. September 2015
Ivan Bütler im AdNovum Infomagazin "Notitia", Nr, 28/2015
This blog post introduces our new custom queries for BloodHound Community Edition (CE) and explains how you can use them effectively to analyze your…
The integrity and availability of data is crucial for the smooth operation of public transport. In this workshop, developed by onway ag and Compass…