Compass Security News

Here you will find reports, interviews and news. We give you an insight into our work and report on 0day (zero-day) vulnerabilities discovered by our staff on customer projects or in their research time.


Nicolas Heiniger identified vulnerabilities in totemomail Encryption Gateway.

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Cyrill Brunschwiler von Compass Security war als Referent am 11. KMU-Forum Obersee engagiert. Moderator Martin Diener stellte ihn als "netten Hacker"…

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Stephan Sekula has identified a design vulnerability in Microsoft Intune that may allow getting access to confidential information.

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Stephan Sukula identified a design vulnerability in Microsoft Intune that allows bypassing the app PIN protection.

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Damian Pfammatter and Alessandro Zala identified an XSS vulnerability in Zimbra Collaboration Suite.

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Sylvain Heiniger identified an XSS vulnerability in GitLab CE+EE

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Am 23. November fand das Technologie Forum (TEFO'17) des Distributor Studerus AG statt. Compass Security war mit dabei - mit Live Hackings und ihrem…

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Nicolas Heiniger identified vulnerabilities in MyTy.

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Account-Hacking bei Amazon

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Benjamin Bruppbacher identified an XML External Entity Attack in the iText PDF Library.

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In recent months, Compass Security has supervised two scientific projects by students at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil HSR.

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Am 23. November 2017 findet das Technologie Forum (TEFO'17) statt. Zu den Highlights zählen spannende Fachreferate und die begehrten Technical…

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